
Blockchain comparison

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Compare ecosystem macro metrics and trends across all major L1 and L2 blockchains.

Column nameDescription
ChainThe name of the blockchain.
Market cap (fully diluted)Market cap (fully diluted) is maximum supply * average price of governance token.
Market cap (circulating)Market cap (circulating) is circulating supply * average price of governance token.
Active users (daily)Number of distinct sender addresses on a daily basis.
Transaction countTransaction count is number of successful onchain transactions during a selected time period.
Core developersCore developers are number of distinct GitHub users that made 1+ commits to the project’s public GitHub repositories during the past 30 days.
Ecosystem feesAggregate fees generated by the applications on the chain during a selected time period.
Ecosystem revenueAggregate revenue generated by the applications on the chain during a selected time period.
Ecosystem DEX trading volumeAggregate trading volume of the DEXs on the chain during a selected time period.
Ecosystem TVLAggregate TVL of the applications on the chain. Liquid staking and asset management applications have been excluded in order to remove double counting.
Ecosystem active loansCurrent aggregate active loans of the applications on the chain.
Ecosystem project countThe number of labeled projects on the chain.

Trending contracts

Link to Trending contracts dashboard

Understand which market sectors, projects, and contracts drive usage on a blockchain.

Column nameDescription
#A contract’s rank in the data table.
ChainChain that the contract is deployed on.
Contract nameName of the project and contract.
ProjectName of the project that the contract belongs to.
Market sectorMarket sector of the project that the contract belongs to.
AddressAddress of the contract onchain.
Account ageTime from when the contract was deployed.
Most emitted eventMost frequently emitted event of the contract.
Gas usedGas used by the contract.
% of gas marketThe contract’s % share of all gas consumed on the chain.
TransactionsNumber of transactions sent to the contract.
Avg gas per txAvg gas cost per transaction for the contract.
Active usersNumber of unique addresses sending transactions to the contract.
InflowsInflows of assets to the contract.
OutflowsOutflows of assets from the contract.
Net flowsNet flows of assets (sent to and withdrawn from) to the contract.

Trending wallets

Link to Trending wallets dashboard

Understand which wallets drive usage on a blockchain.

Column nameDescription
#A wallet’s rank in the data table.
ChainChain that the wallet is on.
Wallet titleName of the wallet.
ProjectName of the project that the wallet belongs to.
Market sectorMarket sector of the project that the wallet belongs to.
AddressAddress of the wallet onchain.
Wallet ageTime from when the wallet first sent a transaction.
Gas spent (USD)Gas spent by the wallet in USD.
Gas market shareThe wallet’s % share of all gas spent on the chain.
TransactionsNumber of transactions sent by the wallet.
Successful transactionsNumber of transactions sent by the wallet, which were successful.
Transaction success rate% share of transactions sent, which were successful.
Avg gas per txAvg gas spent per transaction for the wallet.
Transfers fromNumber of transfers received by the wallet.
Most transfers fromAddress from which the wallet has received the most transfers.
Transfers toNumber of transfers sent by the wallet.
Most transfers toAddress to which the wallet has sent the most transfers.
Most interacted contract titleName of the contract which the wallet has interacted with the most.
Most interacted contract addressAddress of the contract which the wallet has interacted with the most.
Most called functionName of the function which the wallet has called the most.
Contract deploymentsNumber of contracts which the wallet has deployed.
Last tx sentTime from when the wallet last sent a transaction.
Gas spent (Native)Gas spent by the wallet in the chains native token.
InflowsInflows of assets to the wallet.
OutflowsOutflows of assets from the wallet.
Net flowsNet flows of assets (sent to and withdrawn from) to the wallet.

Crypto screener

Link to crypto screener

Includes all metrics as described under Metrics

Insider transactions

Link to Insider transactions dashboard

Last week‘s top 1,000 insider transactions based on transaction value. An insider is defined as a top 100 holder of a project‘s governance token.

Column nameDescription
ProjectName of the project.
TokenToken symbol.
Time stampTime for when the token transfer or DEX trade took place.
QuantityHow many tokens were bought or sold.
USD valueDollar value of the tokens that were bought or sold.
USD flowDirectional dollar value of the tokens that were bought or sold.
Action typeBuy or sell.
Transaction typeToken transfer (proxy for a sell/buy) or a DEX trade
DEXWhich onchain trading venue the DEX trade took place on.
From addressInsider address.
To addressInsider address.
Transaction hashBlock explorer link.

Cohort analysis

Link to Cohort analysis dashboard

Retention rate for monthly active user (MAU) cohorts. MAUs are defined as users that transact with a project's business relevant smart contracts.

Column nameDescription
CohortShows which month is tracked, e.g. March 2022.
Initial cohort sizeShows how many new users made a fee or revenue-generating transaction during that month, e.g. 685.
Month 0Includes the entire initial cohort size, e.g. 685.
Month 1Shows what % of the initial cohort (685) made a fee or revenue-generating transaction during the following month.
Month 2Shows what % of the initial cohort size (685) made a fee or revenue-generating transaction two months from first using the protocol.
Month 3See Month 2 above.


Link to Stablecoins dashboard

Key stablecoin statistics across all major blockchains.

Column nameDescription
#A stablecoin’s rank in the data table.
ChainChain which the stablecoin is issued on.
IssuerName of the entity that issued the stablecoin.
StablecoinName of the stablecoin.
TickerTicker symbol for the stablecoin.
Outstanding supplyMarket capitalization of the stablecoin.
TokenholdersNumber of holders of the stablecoin.
Transfer volumeN/A
Transfer valueUSD value of stablecoin transfers.
Transaction countNumber of onchain transfers for the stablecoin.
USD valueCurrent market value of the stablecoin.
PEGThe stablecoin’s peg.
% off pegThe stablecoin’s deviation from its peg.
AddressThe stablecoin contract’s onchain address.


Link to Fundraises dashboard

Key statistics for recent financing rounds in the crypto space.

Column nameDescription
ProjectName of the entity that raised funding.
Round typeInformation about the stage of the funding round, e.g. Seed or Series A.
Round dateAnnouncement date for the funding round, usually after the completion of the raise.
Round valueInformation about how much was raised in total.
Project main categoryInformation about the primary category of the project.
Project add. categoriesInformation about the secondary categories of the project.
Lead investorsName of the fund (or funds) that led the funding round.
InvestorsNames of other investors that participated on the funding round.
DescriptionAn overview of the project.
SourceURL for funding round announcement.
WebsiteThe project’s website.
TwitterThe project’s X/Twitter account.

Top tokenholders

Link to Top tokenholders dashboard

The top 200 tokenholders as of the last end of day (EOD) for projects listed on Token Terminal. Currently, this data table only includes tokens deployed on Ethereum.

Column nameDescription
ProjectName of the project.
Market sectorMarket sector of the project.
ChainChain which the token is issued on.
Token addressThe token contract’s onchain address.
Tokenholder addressThe tokenholder's onchain address.
Tokenholder titleThe identifying label linked to the tokenholder's address.
TickerThe ticker of the project's token.
Ownership %The percentage of token ownership held by the tokenholder relative to the total token supply.
QuantityThe quantity of tokens held in the tokenholder's balance.
Value ($)The tokenholder's balance of the token, expressed in USD.
Holding periodThe holding period represents the duration elapsed since the creation of the tokenholder's position.
Transaction countThis metric reflects the total number of distinct transactions involving the token and its transfer to or from a specific tokenholder address.