Syntax & Formulas



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When using TT functions in Token Terminal Sheets, there are a few inputs that are important to understand:

  • TICKER:ticker, token symbol, project name, or project id. (from =TT_PROJECTS)
  • METRIC_IDthe metric_idreturned from a metric row (=TT_METRICS)
  • GRANULARITY: week | month | quarter | year
  • TIME_INTERVAL: 7d | 30d | 90d | 180d | 365d | 1m | 1y | 2y | 3y | 5y | max


Single Tickers and Arrays

Anywhere that you can pass a TICKER to a function, you can also pass an array of tickers or a range reference (i.e. A1:A2) that has ticker values in it. Arrays can be defined using the syntax {'ticker_1', 'ticker_2'}

TT Functions

TT functions in Token Terminal Sheets allows you to easily access data from Token Terminal inside of your spreadsheet. There a few useful functions to help you retrieve a list of projects or metrics and then to retrieve specific data points for those projects and metrics.

Quick Guide

// Pull latest metric value for a given project

// List all available projects on Token Terminal  

// List all available metrics on Token Terminal

// Pull full date range of data for project and metric

// Generates a financial statement for a project for a given time range

Get Data


The simplest way to get data with Token Terminal Sheets is to the use the =TT()function. You can pass it a ticker or array of tickers to receive the latest data point for any metric.

Here are a few examples to demonstrate how you can pull metrics for different projects.

=TT("aave", "market_cap_circulating") pulls latest Circ. market cap from Aave
=TT("ethereum", "tvl") pulls the latest Ethereum TVL
=TT("solana", "user_dau") pulls the latest Solana daily active address count
=TT("polygon", "revenue") pulls the latest Polygon revenue



If you're not sure about what ticker you should use for a project, asset, or chain, you can use TT_PROJECTS to get a list of all projects supported and their Name, ProjectId and Symbol. You can checkout a list of all supported projects: All Token Terminal projects

Here's an example of the output you can expect when using the function:



Like the projects function, TT_METRICS help you know which metrics are available and how they're abbreviated with the Token Terminal API. You can use this function as reference point for getting the correct metrics names when building out your Excel models. When using this function, you will get a list of all metrics supported and their name, description and metric_id.

Financial Statements


Financial Statements on Token Terminal allow users to easily understand a project in a familiar format: quarterly financial statements for key metrics. In Token Terminal Sheets, you can now easily generate a Quarterly statement for any project inside of your sheet.

In the following example, we'll pull a full year's financial statement broken into quarters for Ethereum.

=TT_FINANCIAL_STATEMENT("ethereum", "quarter", "356d") 

Time Series


Time Series allow to easily generate a much larger dataset for a specific project, pulling in daily metrics for the time range specified in the function.


=TT_TIMESERIES("BTC", "price", "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01")

pulls the Bitcoin price from 2022-01-01 to 2022-10-01 in ascending order

To pull in descending order, add the param"DESC".



=TT_TIMESERIES("BTC", "price", "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01", "DESC") pulls the Bitcoin price from 2022-10-01 to 2022-01-01 in descending order (so 2022-10-01 is on top).

Project Time Series


Project Time Series allow to easily generate an even larger dataset across multiple metrics for a specific project, pulling in daily data for each metrics for the time range specified in the function.


=TT_PROJECT_TIMESERIES("BTC", {"price","fees"}, "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01")

pulls the Bitcoin price and fees from 2022-01-01 to 2022-10-01 in ascending order

You can also pull data in descending order by adding the param "DESC".

=TT_PROJECT_TIMESERIES("SYMBOL", {"metric_id", "metric_id"}, "STARTDATE", "ENDDATE", "DESC")


=TT_PROJECT_TIMESERIES("BTC", {"price", "fees"}, "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01", "DESC") pulls the Bitcoin price from 2022-10-01 to 2022-01-01 in descending order (so 2022-10-01 is on top).