Here you can find information about our methodologies and definitions for metrics
Metric | Methodology |
Active loans (Lending) | Outstanding borrows on the protocol. |
Active users (daily) (All) | Active users (daily) is number of distinct addresses interacting with business relevant contracts on a daily basis. |
Active users (weekly) (All) | Active users (weekly) is number of distinct addresses interacting with business relevant contracts on a weekly basis, based on a 7-day rolling window. |
Active users (monthly) (All) | Active users (monthly) is number of distinct addresses interacting with business relevant contracts on a monthly basis, based on a 30-day rolling window. |
AFPU - Average Fees Per User (All) | AFPU (Average Fees Per User) is a measurement of how much daily fees the average user generates. |
ARPU - Average Revenue Per User (All) | ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) is a measurement of how much daily revenue the average user generates. |
Assets staked (Liquid staking) | Assets staked is average value of assets staked through the protocol. |
Average trading volume (per trade) (Exchanges (DEXs)) | Average trading volume (per trade) is a measurement of how much daily trading volume, on average, is generated by one trade. |
Average trading volume (per user) (Exchanges (DEXs)) | Average trading volume (per user) is a measurement of how much daily trading volume, on average, is generated by one user. |
Block time (Blockchains L1/L2) | Block time is average time elapsed between the addition of successive blocks to a blockchain. |
Bridge deposits (Blockchains L2) | Bridge deposits are total value deposited to the protocol’s bridging contracts. |
Capital deployed (Asset management) | Capital deployed is average value of capital deployed through the protocol. |
Code commits (All) | Code commits are number of commits to the project’s public GitHub repositories. |
Core developers (All) | Core developers are number of distinct GitHub users that made 1+ commits to the project’s public GitHub repositories during the past 30 days. |
Earnings (All) | Earnings are revenue minus token incentives. |
Expenses (All) | Expenses are total onchain expenses for the protocol (currently only includes token incentives). |
Fees (All) | Fees are total fees paid by users. |
Liquidity turnover (Exchanges (DEXs)) | Liquidity turnover is a measurement of how much trading volume a DEX facilitates relative to its total value locked. |
Market cap (circulating) (All) | Market cap (circulating) is circulating supply * average price of governance token. |
Market cap (fully diluted) (All) | Market cap (fully diluted) is maximum supply * average price of governance token. |
Maximum supply (All) | Maximum supply is the maximum amount of governance tokens that will ever exist. |
Net deposits (All) | Net deposits are total value deposited to the protocol. |
Net treasury (All) | Net treasury is USD value of the protocol’s funds held on-chain (excluding unallocated governance tokens). |
Outstanding supply (Stablecoin issuers) | Outstanding supply is average value of outstanding stablecoin supply on the protocol. |
P/F ratio (circulating) (All) | P/F ratio (circulating) is circulating market cap / annualized fees. The annualized fees are calculated based on the past 30d sum. |
P/F ratio (fully diluted) (All) | P/F ratio (fully diluted) is fully diluted market cap / annualized fees. The annualized fees are calculated based on the past 30d sum. |
P/S ratio (circulating) (All) | P/S ratio (circulating) is circulating market cap / annualized revenue. The annualized revenue is calculated based on the past 30d sum. |
P/S ratio (fully diluted) (All) | P/S ratio (fully diluted) is fully diluted market cap / annualized revenue. The annualized revenue is calculated based on the past 30d sum. |
Revenue (All) | Revenue is share of fees that goes to the protocol. |
Token incentives (All) | Token incentives are USD value of the protocol’s governance tokens that have been distributed to users. |
Token trading volume (All) | Token trading volume is trading volume of the protocol’s governance token. |
Tokenholders (All) | Tokenholders are number of addresses with token balance greater than 0. |
Total value locked (TVL) (All) | Total value locked (TVL) is average value of funds locked into the protocol’s smart contracts. |
Tradeable assets (Exchanges (DEXs)) | Tradeable assets is a metric for DEXs (Decentralized Exchanges). It measures the number of tradable tokens in deployed liquidity pools. |
Tradeable pairs (Exchanges (DEXs)) | Tradable pairs is a metric for DEXs (Decentralized Exchanges). It measures the number of deployed trading pairs. |
Trading volume (Exchanges (DEX), Derivatives, NFT marketplaces) | Trading volume is total trading volume on the protocol. |
Transaction count (Blockchains L1/L2) | Transaction count is number of onchain transactions. |
Transaction volume (Infrastructure) | Transaction volume is total transaction volume on the protocol. |
Transactions per second (Blockchains L1/L2) | Transactions per second is average number of transactions per second. |
Transfer volume (Bridges) | Transfer volume is total bridging volume on the protocol. |
Treasury (All) | Treasury is USD value of the protocol’s funds held on-chain (including unallocated governance tokens). |
Updated 19 days ago
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