
All data tables available for Starknet.

The Starknet raw blockchain data tables in BigQuery.

The Starknet raw blockchain data tables in BigQuery.



The starknet.blocks table provides indexed views of all blocks.

block_hashstringThe hash of all the block's contents.
l1_block_numberintegerThe block's number.
gas_limitintegerThe maximum amount of gas that can be used in the block (in gas units).
gas_usedintegerThe amount of gas used in the block (in gas units).
parent_hashstringThe hash of the block's parent block.
sizeintegerThe block's size (in bytes).
timestamptimestampThe block's timestamp.
transaction_countintegerThe number of transactions in the block.


The table provides indexed views of all emitted logs.

from_addressstringThe address of the smart contract that emitted the event.
block_numberintegerThe block number the parent transaction was included in.
block_timestamptimestampThe event's timestamp.
datastringThe data of the event (bytes data as a hex string).
transaction_hashstringThe parent transaction's hash.
block_hashintegerThe position of the parent transaction in the block.


The starknet.transactions table provides indexed views of all transactions that succeeded, or were partially successful (had at least 1 successful internal transaction).

block_numberintegerThe block number the transaction was included in.
block_timestamptimestampThe transaction's timestamp.
from_addressstringThe address of the transaction's sender.
gas_pricestringThe actual price of gas used in the transaction (in Wei per gas unit).
receipt_gas_usedintegerThe amount of gas used in the transaction (in gas units).
inputstringThe input data for the transaction.
nonceintegerThe transaction sender's nonce.
to_addressstringThe address of the transaction's recipient, if any.
transaction_hashstringThe transaction's hash.
transaction_typeintegerThe type of the transaction (see EIP-1559, EIP-2718).
valuestringThe amount sent by the transaction (in Wei).